Argus Farm Stop Producer Application

Thank you for submitting an application to supply our market!  Before filling out the application, there are a few things to keep in mind.  These will help you determine if we are a good match for each other.


Argus Farm Stop has 3 main ways we can grow our local agricultural economy:

1.    Offer food producers a convenient alternative selling channel that will support their continued growth and season expansion, including an online channel from the Packard store.

2.    Provide consumers with convenient, year-round access to a broad variety of locally produced food 

3.    Create a community of those who care about local food by providing a place


Argus Farm Stop commitments:

·         AFS is open 7 days/week, year-round, (excluding holidays) and has an online platform.

·         AFS seeks to build a mixture of local products attractive to consumers including vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy, grains, artisanal foods, ready-to-eat and non-perishables. 

·         AFS locations have a central check-out point, taking multiple forms of payment

·         AFS has professional refrigeration equipment for retail displays & limited storage of products

·         AFS refreshes and restock produce from available supplies and communicates sales and inventory supply information to producers

·         AFS works with producers to create signage for their store display, including information about their methods of production and farms / facilities. 

·         AFS pays 70% of gross sales to producers on a twice/month payment schedule. 


Producer commitments:

·         Producers will own and set the price for their products.    

·         Producers will provide a sufficient supply to match demand through deliveries at least once per week for perishable items, and as needed for non-perishable items.  Maintaining availability of products is critical for customer satisfaction and returning business.  The store has limited cooler and dry storage space which is available for producers to store inventory. 

·         Producers should regularly communicate how to best display and care for their products in the market.  Products that wilt should be located in cooled areas, bagged, in water, etc.  All products should be labeled with bar code labels (we can give you guidance) before leaving them at the market, unless we have agreed to do your barcoding.

·         Communicating with us about how to care for your products is a key to our success!

·         Producers will be responsive and will be proactive in communicating changes.

·         Producers will authorize Argus to act on their behalf for replacement items and returns.